VIEWS: 1633
December 14, 2021SRPMIC-Member Teams Face Off in NYS Turkey Bowl
Mesa National Youth Sports hosted a Turkey Bowl game for teams that did not make it to the championships this fall. Two teams with Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community members, the Mesa Toros and the Outlaws of Scottsdale, faced off in the 14-and-under division on Saturday, November 20 at Mountain View High School for their last game of the season. Both teams had a rough season, but they came out and fought hard against teams from the East Valley and Scottsdale areas.
Playing for the Outlaws were Community members Josh Correa, Ty King, Noah Lasiloo, Erwin Manuel Jr. and Devon Strong. The Toros included brothers Kaleb and Xavier Lucero and Jayson Dutchover. The Toros defeated the Outlaws 20-6. The Outlaws fought hard, but with only 13 players all season, they were unable to beat the Toros.
Most of the players said this was their first-time playing football, and they have enjoyed their time learning the sport and hope to return next season, which will be in the spring.