“Telling the Stories of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community”

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“Telling the Stories of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community”

VIEWS: 1639

November 17, 2022

Salt River Police and Fire Departments Host Public Safety Day


On Friday, October 28, families gathered at the Accelerated Learning Academy football field (formerly the Salt River High School football field) to learn about the public safety departments in the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community at Safety Day, an event hosted by the Salt River Fire Department and the Salt River Police Department. 

The event provided food, entertainment and live demonstrations to help educate the Community on what the staff of the Community’s public safety departments do to serve and protect all those who live, work and visit in the Community. The police and fire departments set up emergency vehicles for people get in and feel what it’s like to sit in a fire truck or police truck. An air medical helicopter landed on the football field, and youth were invited to sit in the pilot’s seat. 

Salt River Police and Fire Departments Host Public Safety Day
Retired SRFD Captain Kevin Makil came out to help grill for the Safety Day event. 

As part of the live demonstrations, the SRPD performed a mock situation where they used a flash bomb to apprehend a suspect. Two dogs from the K-9 unit demonstrated how they find narcotics. The SRFD demonstrated the rescue of an injured individual (a mannequin) hanging from the ladder truck; firefighters used ropes to slide down to the victim and effect the rescue. They also demonstrated a car rescue by using the jaws of life and cutting the car to rescue a victim. 

Booths set up on the track provided informational materials, promotional items and more. People had the opportunity to get their flu shots, have a car seat check for their little ones, and play games such as riding bicycles through a course set up by the Public Works Department. 

“These are the brave, dedicated and loyal men and women from your police department and fire department that respond to any call, day or night,” said Salt River Police Chief Karl G. Auerbach when thanking all those who attended the Safety Day event. “We are here to make sure that you are safe at all times. On behalf of your police department and your fire department, thank you so much for coming out.”

Salt River Police and Fire Departments Host Public Safety Day
Sisters Ariana Smith and Kassandra Montano race through the cone course provided by the Salt River Public Works Roads Division.