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November 8, 2021Students Enjoy Blue Corn Mush for NARD
To celebrate Native American Recognition Day on September 24, Salt River Schools Food Services offered a tasty treat for the students of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community during their meal distribution. They created a unique dish using blue corn mush topped with blueberries, strawberries, banana and honey.
The blue corn was purchased from Ramona Farms and the blue corn ash was gifted from chef Tamara Stanger.

Blue corn mush is a traditional Indigenous Southwestern dish that is similar to cream of wheat. It is a good source of calcium for those who are lactose intolerant.
“This recipe is part of another project called the Kitchen Creations Project, where we’re trying to incorporate more Indigenous foods into school menus,” said Education Food Services Manager Shannon Reina. “We chose this one [because] we thought it might be more inviting, hoping they might be interested and come and try it.”
Salt River Elementary School teacher Dawn Burstyn-Meyers was also handing out the winning prizes for the school’s Virtual Open House contest.

“They had to figure out a secret phrase,” said Burstyn-Meyers, “which was ‘Always Reach for the Stars.’ Home Depot gave us doormats; they also got some star crackers and other items.”
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