VIEWS: 4515
March 2, 2022SRPMIC Employees Recognized During Virtual Employee Service Awards Presentation
More than 280 employees of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community tribal government were recognized for their dedication to the SRPMIC at the annual Employee Service Awards presentation on February 24. Due to COVID-19, a virtual presentation substituted for the traditional luncheon event.
SRPMIC President Martin Harvier, Vice-President Ricardo Leonard and members of Council offered words of thanks and appreciation. This was followed by the awards presentation, highlighting the individual employees with 20+ years of service and recognizing the names of those who have achieved the five-, 10- and 15-year marks.
This year 108 employees reached five years with the SRPMIC, 61 reached 10 years, 61 reached 15 years, 36 reached 20 years, 13 reached 25 years, five reached 30 years and one reached 40 years.
Cultural Resources Department Educational Specialist Diane Cashoya is the one who has 40 years of service, after starting her career journey with the Community in 1981. Salt River Schools Food Services Secretary Naomi Manuel, retired SRFD firefighter Theodus “Odie” Toney, Public Works Heavy Equipment Operator Alejandro Martinez, Public Works Solid Waste Supervisor Derrick Lewis and Salt River Court Executive Secretary Lynelle Trujillo all have worked for the Community for 30 years now.
Manuel originally started with the Community in the 1980s, working for Recreation for a couple of years; later she returned to work for the Community as a teacher’s aide at the Early Childhood Education Center, back when it was located next to the Salt River Day School.
“I was fortunate to help start our teen mother’s program, which was located at the Presbyterian Church, so our young mothers were able to attend Desert Eagle High School for their education,” said Manuel. “Then, we moved to Desert Eagle High School (which is currently now the location of the Department of Corrections), which made it easier for our moms to be on campus with their babies.”
Manuel continued to work at ECEC for 14 years; during that time, she received her teaching certificate and was a teacher for students of different age levels. She later moved on to Salt River Schools Food Services, where she still works today.
“The past few years have gone by pretty fast, and right now I’m not too sure where my path will lead me. I’m really enjoying being here, even though I’m not teaching. I still get to see our children and watch them grow up, and that is the best part of my job,” said Manuel. “I would like to say thank you to Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community for letting me put in the time of these past 30 years.”
Trujillo explained that time has moved “so quickly” and she is grateful for every minute of her 30 years with the Court and the opportunity to work for the SRPMIC.
“We continue to have more and more people [achieving years of service milestones], usually five, 10 or 15 years, because we’ve been going through a lot of hiring over the last 15 years in the Community,” said Human Resources Director Steve Haydukovich. “We continue to exceed our expectations for [employee longevity] with the Community. [It’s] a great thing, because it’s a sign of a great employer [when] people stay with us [long term] and they keep their careers going. It’s good to give people recognition for reaching those key milestones.”
All the employees reaching years of service milestones receive a plaque and a monetary award; those with 20+ years of service also receive annual leave hours.
“We are looking forward to next year getting back our traditional luncheon and full-on celebration. Let’s hope that 2023 is the year that we do that,” said Haydukovich, “because this is a great way to recognize people; it shows a lot of dedication, loyalty and commitment from all of these employees reaching these milestones, and it’s an important way to recognize them and show our appreciation.”
Thank You for Your Service to the Community
5 Years of Service
Jennifer Simpson, IT
Claudia Avalos, IT
Sean Riggs, IT
Joshua Boyes, IT
William Warthen, IT
Brett McKinney, IT
Katrina Chavez, Finance
Leticia Alvarez, Finance
Khandi Dickson, Finance
Melissa Judge, Finance
Ellyse Brown, Finance
Patricia Gonzalez, Finance
Sandra Brandt, Finance
Tanesia Scott, Finance
Steven Viera, Finance
Michell Sam, Finance
Daniel Gyimah, Internal Audit
Silvana Shaw, Human Resources
Eleuteria Torres, Human Resources
Niccole James, CRO
Sarah Edwards-Miller, Treasurer’s Office
Aristina Sanchez, OGC
Jonnie Walker, Education
Trinidad Yazzie, Education
Amanda Guerrero, Education
Kyronna Roanhorse, Education
Monique Baldwin, Education
Mareencita Ramos, Education
Tara Grey, Education
Denelle Prieto, Education
Erica Outcalt, Education
Anna Williams, Education
Arkiketa Charley, Education
Kerri Neilson, Education
Lisa Haines, Education
Winnie Frank, Education
Christina Baptisto, Education
Saralinda Isabella, Education
Kenton Kashoya, Cultural Resources
Micheal Juan, Cultural Resources
Martha Martinez, Cultural Resources
Daniel Enos, ECS
Blas Rey, ECS
Michael Thomas, ECS
Albert Vera, ECS
Abel Acuna, ECS
Wilfred Charlie, ECS
Rose Mack, HHS
Malkia Yussuf, HHS
Cheyenne Roanhorse, HHS
Monte Yazzie, HHS
Tiauna Schneider, HHS
Lisa Kaufman, HHS
Terry Nelson, SRFD
Sean Garrity, SRFD
Eric Rabago, SRFD
Anthony Garcia, SRFD
Jayce Johnson, SRFD
Aaron Mireles, SRFD
Angel Hudgens, SRFD
Orlando Calzadillas, SRPD
Jack Thompson, Public Works
Armando Rodriguez, Public Works
Jerry Silversmith, Public Works
Carlos Valenzuela, Public Works
Linda Eckstein, Public Works
Dwayne Ludlow, Public Works
Delbert Reeder, Public Works
Jeff Rind, Public Works
Lonnie Cooper, Public Works
Pamela Tracy, Public Works
Andrea Stepp, DOT
Gabriel Lopez, DOT
Juan Guerrero, DOT
Elysia Lupe, CDD
Maxine Stifanos, CDD
Victor Gonzales, CDD
Francia Neisen, CDD
Jaden Castro, Senior Service
Natasha Antone, Senior Service
Christopher Begay, Senior Service
Vicki Quintero, Senior Service
Adrian Doctor, Senior Service
Cheryl Tate, Senior Service
Shannon Trujillo, Senior Service
Mercy Thomas, Senior Service
Crystal Gonzalez, Senior Service
Delores Leal, Senior Service
Carlos Leon, Senior Service
Kevin Castillo, Senior Service
Gloria Cachora, Social Services
Dale Washington, Social Services
Stephen Hudson, Social Services
Bailey Bersano, Social Services
Ariia ta Holloway, Social Services
Jeri Williams, CRA
Jeneil Church, CRA
Neum Lewis, CRA
LaTisha Carr-Tague, CRA
Kevin Pooley, Prosecutor’s Office
Lorenzo Sierra, Defense Advocate
Mary Washington, Legal Services
Sarah De Oliveira, Legal Services
William Morgan, Legal Services
Denise Sanchez, Legal Services
Onise Silas, Legal Services
Nicholas Walters, Legal Services
Douglas Nelson, Jr., DOC
10 Years of Service
Andrew Osif, IT
Wayne Sekaquaptewa, IT
Angela Williamson, Finance
Melanie Murray, Human Resources
Andrew Weiler, Human Resources
Chester Mack, Human Resources
Amy Francisco, Human Resources
Julie Sepulveda, CRO
Jennifer Giff, OGC
Teresa Masayesva, Recreation
Melissa Rave, Recreation
Samantha Mielkey, Education
Gayl Howell, Education
Ipa Dutchover, Education
Bernadette Spencer, Education
Stephen Vega, Education
Robert Barnes, Education
Jessica Ray, Education
Herbert Chandler, Education
Martha Kinney, Education
Erica Reyes, Education
Delaine Short, Education
Mary Garcia, Cultural Resources
Jamie James, ECS
Lysette Hernandez, ECS
William Benitez, ECS
David Black, ECS
John Godfrey, HHS
Vurlene Notsinneh-Bowekaty, HHS
Christopher Henke, HHS
Celeste Lomavaya, HHS
Rudi Cooney, HHS
Jonathan Hattabaugh, SRFD
Adrian Vega, SRFD
Chris Hertzog, SRFD
Dariusz Gruna, SRPD
Orhan Jakupi, SRPD
Christopher Miles, Public Works
Abraham Lopez, Public Works
Darrell Schurz, Public Works
Ricky Carrillo, Public Works
Anthony Becker, Public Works
Jose Garcia, DOT
Anthony Soliz, DOT
Meredith Duwyenie, CDD
Jeremy Phillips, CDD
Brittany Barranca, CDD
Melvin Deer, Senior Services
Christina Fulwilder, Senior Services
Eldon Moore Senior Services
Rachelle Guerrero, Social Services
Jenny Valenzuela, Social Services
Daryl Attakai, CRA
Aurnelia Joey, CRA
Seraphina Manuelito, CRA
Karen Borea, Prosecutors Office
Anya Musto, Prosecutors Office
Cynthia Leon, Defense Advocates
Joanne Tarzia, Defense Advocates
Alicia Randall, DOC
15 Years of service
Patricia Rush, Administration
Codruta Damian, IT
Fred Harris, IT
Drik Philipps, IT
Angie Wong, Finance
Terry Albin, Finance
Martha Berna,l Human Resources
Jeffery Harmond, OGC
Lea Lee, Education
LeRoy Eswonia, Education
Clarice Garcia, Education
Keri Tuchawena, Education
Judith Santeo, Education
Chauncey Track, ECS
Gnaneshwar Marupakula, ECS
Parag Devani, ECS
Roderick Keevama, ECS
Ricky Barton, ECS
Maynard Jackson, ECS
Tony Joe, ECS
Julio Morales, ECS
Rodney Osif, ECS
Dagoverto Rodriquez, ECS
Jarvis Woody, ECS
Ilene Lewis, HHS
Jamie Schurz, HHS
Dustin Zamboni, SRFD
Christopher Kenitzer, SRFD
Kevin Langolf, SRFD
Marlinda Thomas, SRPD
Shalane Aguirre, SRPD
Travis Mathews, SRPD
Anthony Hogan, SRPD
Mayra Garcia, SRPD
Rodman Lasley, SRPD
Christopher Valencia, SRPD
Aaron Moser, SRPD
G Bury, SRPD
Izzak Hoch, SRPD
Raymond Begay, Public Works
Josiah Manuel, Public Works
Beulah Blacka, Public Works
Valerie Lewis, Public Works
Juana Fulwilder, CDD
Mavis Allen, CDD
Gina Navarro, CDD
Paulette Schurz, Social Services
Sylvia Castillon, CRA
Jose Padilla, CRA
Reuben Thomas, CRA
Krystal Martinez, Court
Benjamin Gonzales, Court
Gwendlyn Osif, Court
Allyson Thomas, Court
Danny Brown, DOC
Jorge Gallardo, DOC
Lawrence Williams, DOC
Patrick Lindley, DOC
Kevin Howard, DOC
Fendrick Campbell, DOC
David Bermudez, DOC
20 Years of Service
Monica Lewis, Administration
Alana Osife, IT
Robert Streeter, IT
John Mitzel, IT
Dean Torres, Treasurer’s Office
Marcella Valencia, Education
Anissa Bark, Education
Tonya Coakley, Education
Rito Lopez, ECS
Stephanie Manning, HHS
Michelle Long, HHS
Patricia Rodarte, Salt River Clinic
Michael Mink, SRFD
Raymond Cartagena, SRFD
Richard Medina, SRFD
Cary Nahgahgwon, SRFD
Gabriel Scabby, SRFD
Michaela Sample, SRPD
Rachelle Marquez, SRPD
Julian Owens, SRPD
Rena Halloway, SRPD
William Peel, SRPD
Salvador Montoya, Public Works
Lorraine Kavoka, Public Works
Daryl Hernasy, Public Works
Irwin Santo, Public Works
Ernesto Ruiz, Public Works
Stanley Belone, CDD
Nathan Kehr, CDD
Philip Ortega, Social Services
Teressa Landin, CRA
Krystal Kort, CRA
William Esplin, CRA
Kristina King, CRA
Blanche Dehorney, Prosecutors Office
Ronaldo Ashley ,DOC
25 Years of Service
Erica Harvier, Administration
Jo Ann Bryd, IT
Doreen (Dodie) Manuel, CRO
Teresa Gonzales, Education
Irma Smith, Education
Carl Hubboard, ECS
Richard Klebieko, ECS
Denise Takala, HHS
Myrna Pavatea, HHS
Rose Anderson, Salt River Clinic
Gloria Vasquez, Public Works
Theda Corona, Salt River Court
Donna Ray, Defense Advocate
30 Years of Service
Naomi Manuel, Education
Theodus Toney, SRFD
Alejandro Martinez, Public Works
Derrick Lewis, Public Works
Lynelle Trujillo, Salt River Court
40 Years of Service
Diane Cashoya, Cultural Resources