“Telling the Stories of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community”

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“Telling the Stories of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community”

VIEWS: 244

December 3, 2024

SRPMIC Employee Veterans Recognized


On November 8, the 108th Army Band kicked off this year’s Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community Employee Veterans event at the Two Waters Courtyard with an array of music, also featuring a saxophone quartet section.

SRPMIC Veterans Representative Troy Truax Jr. was the master of ceremonies for the event.

“It’s an honor to be here with you all to recognize and thank our veteran coworkers who dedicated themselves to serving our country and making the sacrifices that come with that commitment,” said Truax at the podium.

Truax made it a point to recognize the following SRPMIC Council member, staff member and department director veterans: Vice-President Ricardo Leonard (Army), Community Manager Bryan Meyers (Army), Internal Audit Director Terry Dooley (Army), Human Resources Director Steve Haydukovich (Army), Health and Human Services Director Joseph Remitera (Navy), Senior Services Director Melvin Deer (Army), Transportation Director Salvatore LaPuma III (Army), Fire Chief Tsosie Wood (Marines) and Administration Director Glen Law (Army).

The Veterans Representative’s Office handed out a program agenda containing lyrics to the Armed Forces Medley and a list of discounts available on Veterans Day. Community veterans also received a commemorative T-shirt and an ice chest. 

Council Member Jacob Butler delivered the invocation as attendees rose and removed their hats. Following the invocation, a combined Salt River police and fire department honor guard paraded the colors as Miss Salt River Sialik King sang the national anthem. Truax then led everyone in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Honoring a tradition of the event, the Veterans Representatives paid special tribute to a particular branch of the military. This year, they honored employee Army veterans.

“As we celebrate Veterans Day today, it is essential to take a moment to reflect on the selfless dedication and immense sacrifices our veterans have made to safeguard the freedom we enjoy every day,” said Truax. “This year’s theme reminds us that the gratitude we owe should be expressed not just today, but every day.”

Truax urged everyone in attendance to take a moment to recognize, with a round of applause, all the Community veterans who have served and continue to serve.

Guest speakers included SRPMIC President Martin Harvier, Vice-President Leonard, Council Member Mikah Carlos, Legal Services Tribal Court Advocate Calvin Watuema, and Special Needs Coordinator/HR Community Employment Zandria Ransom (Air Force).

Ransom talked about her father, Private First Class Edgar Bailey Jr. (Korean War, Army).

“Just like many of his contemporaries, he never talked about his service,” said Ransom. “He instilled in us a solid work ethic [by encouraging savings and volunteering]. Today, and every day, we honor your memory, Private Bailey, and the men and women for their courage and dedication to duty in the service of our wonderful nation.”

After a prayer by Council Member Carlos, employee veterans were invited to the stage to shake hands with Council, stand at the podium and provide a brief introduction of themselves and their military service. To conclude the event, the 108th Army Band played the Armed Forces Medley. Employee veterans stood when they heard their service branch’s song being played.