“Telling the Stories of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community”

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“Telling the Stories of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community”

VIEWS: 952

January 5, 2023

SRPMIC Council Holds Special Recognition for Outgoing Council Representatives


The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community Council held a special recognition for outgoing Council Representatives Diane Enos and Tom Largo on Wednesday, December 14, at the Council Chambers following their executive session and general Council meetings. 

The two representatives were able to say a few words and receive well wishes from Community members and SRPMIC employees before being presented with gifts. 

SRPMIC Council Holds Special Recognition for Outgoing Council Representatives
Diane Enos during her last Council meeting on December 14, 2022.

“About this Council, they care for the welfare of each and every one of you. If we look at the issues that we face as a governing body, I couldn’t be prouder,” Largo said as he addressed Council and those in attendance. “[I want to thank] the president, vice-president and every member here for the time that you put in, and the dedication. I’m going to miss all the meetings and things that we do as a governing body.”

In his retirement, Largo plans to take up ministry work and is also thinking about learning how to fish. 

“I thank all of you as a Community for allowing me to serve you. It’s been my pleasure,” said Largo. “I look forward to watching this governing body continue to do what you do. Thank you.” 

Enos thanked Community members for calling her and presenting her with their issues, asking for solutions. 

“Thank you for your criticisms and thank you for your praise; thank you for your asking that certain things be done. That’s what it’s really all about. We’re here to serve in many ways,” said Enos. “Our service doesn’t end; we’ll be around.”

Enos will continue to serve the Community in any way she can as a member of the bar and may continue her work as a lawyer. 

“I want to thank Council member Enos and Council member Largo for … just being a great example of leadership,” said SRPMIC President Martin Harvier. “They are really good role models, and I appreciate them for the years of experience that they brought to this table. We are losing two senior members of this body. I’m really grateful for their leadership.”

SRPMIC Council Holds Special Recognition for Outgoing Council Representatives
Tom Largo was gifted a O’odham basket during his final Council meeting.

Council members expressed their thoughts and memories of the two outgoing representatives. Many of them thanked them for their friendship, leadership and guidance in helping them become good leaders for the Community. While the two senior representatives will be departing and taking along their knowledge with them, everyone said they hope that they continue to keep in touch and share advice in the future. 

Many Community members and SRPMIC employees also offered well wishes and thanked Enos and Largo for playing a positive role not only in their lives, but in the entire Community. 

The two were presented with wooden art pieces that reflect their years of service to Council. Enos also received a piece of pottery and Largo received a large O’odham basket. Afterward, everyone enjoyed cake and refreshments.