“Telling the Stories of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community”

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“Telling the Stories of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community”

VIEWS: 762

August 20, 2024

Congresswoman Sharice Davids Visits SRPMIC


Congresswoman Sharice Davids (D-KS), an enrolled member of the Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin, was welcomed to the Community by SRPMIC leadership and the Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs (OCLA) on July 19 with a tour of the Justice Center and the Salt River Police Department Dispatch Center.

The SRPMIC’s goal for the visit was to educate Davids on both the resources and needs that exist, as Davids has been an advocate for tribal issues during her time serving in Congress.

“From a congressional policy perspective, there is considerable attention on tribal courts and law enforcement with a need for additional resources,” said Special Assistant for Legislative Affairs Gary Bohnee.

Some of the issues addressed at the visit were efforts relating to missing and murdered Indigenous peoples, implementation of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and the SRPMIC’s efforts related to restorative justice.

The visit began at Two Waters for a sit-down with Davids, SRPMIC President Martin Harvier and Council member Mikah Carlos. Also at the table were members of Davids’ campaign staff, OCLA representatives, SRPMIC Assistant General Counsel Jeffrey Harmon, and Heather Washington, SRPMIC Self-Governance coordinator.

After SRPMIC leadership presented Davids with a gift, a figurine of a basket dancer, the group headed across the street to the Justice Center for a tour of the facilities and a chat with Community Prosecutor Alane Breland.

At the end of the visit, the group drove over to the Salt River Police Department Dispatch Center and met with dispatch staff, Assistant Community Manager Doran Dalton and Police Chief Walter Holloway to talk about how calls are received and what kind of technology is used at the center.