VIEWS: 1473
November 3, 2022Health Facility Looks to Fill Positions with Community Members
On October 6, the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community hosted a job fair for Community members to seek employment at the River People Health Center.

According to Crystal Banuelos, SRPMIC assistant human resources director, 107 attendees came out to the job fair. Of those individuals, 55 were Community members, 40 were enrolled with another tribe and 12 were non-enrolled members.
The job fair consisted of an open general session for all job seekers and a session during which SRPMIC members could speak directly with RPHC department representatives about requirements for specific positions. The RPHC is looking to fill positions in scheduling, patient registration, peer support specialists, behavioral health, and technicians in various areas.
“The River People Health Center is expected to add over 200 individuals to our team over the next 2 years. We need these individuals to fulfill our mission of increasing the life expectancy of Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community Members by 5 years in the next 5 years (also known as our “5 in 5” goal). In order to accomplish our goal, we seek to attract well-qualified team members that believe in creating a positive healing environment,” said Joe Remitera, Department of Health and Human Services Director.
An SRPMIC member at RPHC for a healthcare appointment at the time used the opportunity to fill out a job application.
“I am interested in getting a job here, but most importantly it’s for my kids,” said Sanuye Zotigh. “I filled out a form and then figured I would see what they have to offer.”
“I am interested in custodial work. I really would like to work for the Community, but I am also open to any other opportunities that are available here at the RPHC,” said Anna Stevens, a Community member.

Job openings in direct patient care included registered nurses, phlebotomists, medical assistants and dental assistants.
SRPMIC member Atel Butler said she was drawn to the job fair by the medical assistant and phlebotomist positions. “I am currently employed as a medical assistant and I sometimes do phlebotomy when my work asks me to,” said Butler.
Samuel Malin, a Community member who is currently studying nursing, said that the RPHC would be a good place to start his healthcare career. “I’ve wanted to apply here ever since I heard about the job fair,” said Malin. After 11 years out of school, he felt that it was time for him to go back to school, and he has two years left to complete his nursing program.
“The tribe is a good place to work for. I have done it the past seven years. They take care of us, and I would like to continue working for the Community.”
“Ultimately we want to, ‘Be Ready When You Are Ready’ and to do that we must have the highly trained, compassionate staff on board ready to meet the needs of those we serve,” said Remitera.

Banuelos added, “The recent Job Fair was just another avenue to ensure people are aware we are actively recruiting and have many jobs available in all sectors supporting the RPHC. We had a good number of Community Members and other individuals come out to express interest. HR is actively working to ensure people are able to submit their interest to the right job. In the end, we do want to share how grateful we are for everyone’s help and support, making this event a success.”