VIEWS: 2098
February 22, 20242023 Service Award Program Luncheon
A total of 303 employees were recognized on February 2 for their years of service to the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community.
The employees were honored at the 2023 Service Award Luncheon at Talking Stick Resort, which was attended by the honored employees, their supervisors and Community leadership.
The 2023 Service Award Recognition Program was organized by the Community’s Human Resources Department to recognize employees for reaching specific employment milestones.
“One of the greatest things about today’s program is that over 300 people were recognized,” said Human Resources Director Steve Haydukovich. “If you take a look at this number in a broader sense, the Community should be very proud of the number of people who attended this event and the number of people who ‘work for the Community, stay for the Community.’”
Haydukovich said that it’s a testament of a great organization and Community to show members that once you’re in as an employee, it’s an excellent growing and learning opportunity.
SRPMIC Community Manager Bryan Meyers, who was honored for 30 years of service, provided the opening and closing remarks for the event.
SRPMIC Vice-President Ricardo Leonard gave the blessing, and President Martin Harvier briefly expressed his appreciation to the employees before joining the rest of Council on stage to congratulate the employees as their names were called.
One of the most notable employees honored was Teresa Leonard, who has worked for the Community for 45 years, beginning in 1978. Leonard couldn’t make it to the event, but her supervisor, Director of Administration Glen Law, talked about her hard work and service to the Community.

“She has so much knowledge about our operations,” said Law. “She knows what to anticipate and what to expect, [and it’s] very valuable for someone like a director to have someone like that who knows these things. I hope you all have a ‘Teresa’ in your department.”
Teresa’s daughter Crystal Leonard, who was recognized herself for 10 years of service to the Community, spoke on her mother’s behalf.
“She enjoyed her years working for the Community and met thousands of people,” said Leonard. “She thanks all of her bosses, former and current, and says ‘thank you’ to the Community for allowing her to serve for 45 years.”
Haydukovich and Assistant Community Manager Lena Jackson-Eckert presented the awards.
Employees Recognized (15-45 years):
First Name – Last Name – Yrs of Serv. – Title
Teresa Leonard 45 Sr Budget Analyst
Robin Hendricks 30 Recreation Coord II (Athletic)
Diana Johnson 30 Time Keeper/Office Assistant
Bryan Meyers 30 Community Manager
Fannie Mike 30 Paraprofessional
Nelson Wood 30 Battalion Chief
Tsosie Wood 30 Deputy Fire Chief (Sppt Svcs)
Carmelita Briones 25 Parent & Comm Involvement Spec
Maria Chavez 25 Parent & Comm Involvement Spcl
Chris Christy 25 Behavioral Hlth Svcs Manager
Davina Dallas 25 Legal Office Manager (OGC)
Garfield King 25 SHRRP Prevention Svcs Coord
Kyland King 25 Gaming Agent Supv
Carmen Lopez 25 Edu ECE Teacher
Alma Nez 25 Data Ops & Support Manager
Ritu Sharma 25 School Teacher
Yolanda Stacey 25 Deputy Defense Advocate
Keith Andrews 20 Sr Survey Party Chief
Dawn Burstyn-Meyers 20 School Teacher
Sasheen Castaneda 20 Desktop Services Manager
Shavon Coburn 20 Corrections Sgt
Heather Harmon 20 Corrections Officer
Toni Harvier 20 Community Wellness Manager
Albert Jordan 20 Clinical Director (HHS)
Dawn Lomahaftewa 20 Sr Tribal Court Advocate
Louis Lombari 20 Police Lieutenant
Janice Manuel 20 Homecare Asst III
Marie Montero 20 Material Control Specialist
Garfield Nish 20 Water Distribution Worker I
Myra Ochoa 20 Group Home Supervisor
Peter Prieto 20 Sr. Infrastructure Specialist
Dawn Sinoqui 20 Assistant Community Manager
Randolph Villa 20 Deputy Fire Chief (Operations)
Leonardo Villanueva 20 Plumber
Kevin Westberg 20 Police Lieutenant
Forest Wood 20 Police Sergeant
Wilfredo Aguilar 15 HVAC Technician
Paul Alberts 15 Sr. Economic Dev Analyst
Patricia Almaraz 15 Right-of-Way Specialist
Eleanor Andreas-King 15 Sr. Accts Payable Specialist
Gregg Bacome 15 Roads Maintenance Supv
Anthony Badalamenti 15 Fire Captain
Timothy Baldemore 15 App System Mgr
Renee Banuelos 15 Office Manager (FAC)
Nina Baptisto 15 Budget & Accounts Specialist
Jason Barker 15 Fire Engineer
Vincent Barraza 15 DAO Director
Aaron Benally 15 Water Distribution Field Supv
Stephanie Burns-Soliz 15 Construction Manager (Resid)
Vicente Cendejas 15 Police Officer
Immanuel Chavez 15 Firefighter (EMT)
Jacob Coombs 15 Corrections Sgt
Michelle Cooper 15 Legal Secretary (DAO)
Shaunton Davis 15 Civil Engineer
Nancy Dedakia 15 Sr Proj Mgr (Special Proj HHS)
Stephanie Deel 15 Licensing Manager
Briana DiCarlo 15 Public Safety Com Shift Supv
Sean Dospital 15 Corrections Officer
Lorenzo Edwards 15 Heavy Equip Tech I
Melanie Emerson 15 Secretary (Facilities)
Macelyn Enas 15 Administration Div Mgr (PW)
Terilyn Esplin 15 Edu ECE Teacher
Keven Ficken 15 SharePoint Administrator II
Brian Flanigan-Arthurs15 School Teacher
Bolivar Garcia 15 Special Systems Technician
Jerrod Glaser 15 Video Production Editor
Angela Gower 15 Court Operations Manager
Darrell Harris 15 Maintenance Worker II (REC)
Alan Harvier 15 Maintenance Technician
Steven Haydukovich 15 Human Resources Director
William Hertenstein 15 Corrections Sgt
Russell Hillis 15 Fire Engineer
Jennifer Jack 15 Roads Section Manager
LaRue Jackson 15 Edu Board/Supt Secretary
Avarae John 15 Social Worker II (SRSVS)
Miranda Johnson-Moya 15 Education Program Manager
Paul Johnston 15 Food Services Manager
Casey Kingry 15 Fire Captain
Terry Kubal 15 Fire Engineer
Anthony Little 15 Licensed Associate Judge
Sherrie Logg 15 Water Resource Section Mgr
Jeremy Lovato 15 School Bus Driver
Lance Lytle 15 Sr Internal Auditor
Erwin Manuel 15 General Laborer (Sanitation)
Daniel Martinez 15 Com Rel Mgr (Multimedia)
Dustin Massey 15 Police Sergeant
Richard McAllister 15 Principal Planner
Manuel Medina 15 Corrections Officer
Jared Miles 15 Fire Captain
Mayita Montiel 15 Edu ECE Asst Teacher
Roxanne Moreno 15 Civil Engineering Tech II
Rachel Norton 15 Secretary (Prosecution)
Henry Osif 15 Transportation Project Manager
Heidi Picard 15 HR Generalist II
Patty Powers 15 Assistant HR Director
Pamela Prasher 15 CCDF Program Manager
Kierstin Prince 15 LSO Managing Attorney
Connie Reifschneider 15 Accountant (Tax Coll & Rpt)
Shannon Reina 15 Food Services Manager (EDU)
Scott Rork 15 Fire Captain
Christopher Russo 15 Machine Compliance Technician
Omer Saleem 15 Principal Data Specialist
Deena Savage-Chapple 15 Paraprofessional
Carolyn Scarbrough 15 Group Home Supervisor
Melissa Sherman 15 Compliance Manager
Loren Sidney 15 Gaming Agent Supv
Heather Silversmith 15 Trainer II
Corwin Smith 15 Environ Spcl
Herbert Stephens 15 Desktop Specialist II
Mallory Thomas 15 CommunityHealth Representative
Paula Thomas-Smith 15 Lead VocationalRehab Counselor
Annette Thurman-Ross 15 Budget & Accounts Specialist
Allison Tinkler 15 Project Coordinator -MRPM
Frank Turfler 15 Video Production Editor
Janice Van Winkle 15 Social Worker I (Reunifcatn)
Joseph Vesely 15 Fire Captain
Martha Villalobos 15 Behavior Intervention Counslr
Theresa Wills 15 Legal Secretary (PRO)
Brenna Wilson 15 Operations Manager (ECS)
Stuart Wilson 15 Water/Wastewater Section Mgr
Thomas Wright 15 Staff Archaeologist