“Telling the Stories of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community”

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“Telling the Stories of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community”

VIEWS: 2072

June 4, 2020

SRPMIC Celebrates National Public Works Week


“The Rhythm of Public Works” was the theme for National Public Works Week 2020. The week, whose goal is to recognize the hard work of the employees in public works departments nationwide, including the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community’s Public Works Department, was observed from May 17 through May 23. 

The American Public Works Association asked its members to create a poster that envisioned their communities as a symphony of essential services working in concert to create a great place to live. “Every community has a rhythm, a heartbeat that reflects its essence and tempo of life,” states the American Public Works Association on its website. 

During this week each year, the SRPMIC Public Works Department usually takes the opportunity to recognize employees and educate the Community about the important services that the department provides. But due to COVID-19, this year’s Public Works Week was celebrated virtually: the SRPMIC created a Facebook post to honor those who work in the Public Works Department (see photo). 

Although SRPMIC government workers were told to work from home, a number of employees with Public Works are classified as essential workers and therefore can’t work at home, including those in waste management, Memorial Hall services, roads, water, mechanics, grounds maintenance, custodial services and more. Thank you all for your time and service to the Community. 

For more information on National Public Works Week, visit https://npww.apwa.net/ or www.facebook.com/SRPMIC/