VIEWS: 1478
August 4, 2022Career Fair for Community Tweens and Teens
In July, the Community Recreational Services Department of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community held two summer camps, one for tweens and one for teens, both of which included a Career Day. On that day, a Career Fair was set up to introduce the youth in grades 6 through 12 to SRPMIC government departments, higher education opportunities and successful individuals who have created their own businesses. The goal was to offer insight into different jobs, training and education to help them choose their career paths.
“We wanted to put on this Career Fair because these youth are at that age where they should start thinking about what they want to do after high school, start thinking about different career fields, education and what they want to do with their lives,” said Recreation Coordinator II (Social) Kevin Riding In.

During the Career Fair for the junior high school students, Community Recreational Services Director Rebecca Makil talked to the youth about her own career journey from a youth worker to serving as director of Community Recreational Services. She encouraged youth to sign up with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIAO) Program at the Community’s Human Resources Department and work with Community Recreational Services as concession workers, lifeguards or scorekeepers in the Social or Athletics division.

Assistant Human Resources Director Crystal Banuelos gave a presentation on what the Community Human Resources Department provides, including jobs and training to help youth start their careers. The Career Fair featured booths from local colleges and SRPMIC government departments.
For more information about the WIOA Program, call (480) 362-7950.