“Telling the Stories of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community”

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“Telling the Stories of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community”

VIEWS: 2234

March 15, 2022

Young River People’s Council Moves to Youth Services


In the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community Council meeting on February 23, Council approved by motion a request to move the Young River People’s Council (YRPC) back to the Youth Services department from the Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs (OCLA).

The factors that went into the administrative move involve the four core areas outlined in Youth Services—culture, education, mental and physical health, and social health—which align with the YRPC mission.

The YRPC mission also aligns with Youth Services’ mission of a focus on youth engagement and special projects, with intentional focus on Community and political engagement with leadership development.

The official vision statement for the YRPC is “to promote Community involvement and help provide positive outreach for the youth of the SRPMIC by encouraging the youth of the SRPMIC through educational, traditional and governmental opportunities that will allow them to gain new experiences within and outside of the Community that promote individual progression.”

“Youth Services is planning for the future of YRPC with changes to our new norm,” said Youth Services Director Tori Paukgana.

“Youth Services plans to review the current policies in place and make changes to focus on the mission and vision of the Youth Council, with the goal of allowing our youth to be the future decision-makers and have a voice in our Community’s future.”

The Youth Services Department is preparing to move forward with activities and recruitment for Youth Council. 

“We are looking to fill the position of a Youth Development Specialist that will begin to work closely with YRPC,” said Paukgana.

“Youth Services is excited for the opportunity to work with YRPC. We look forward to developing the program and giving youth the opportunity to be the future leaders in their Community.” For more information on the YRPC, visit www.srpmic-nsn.gov/community/yrpc/ and on social media at www.facebook.com/youngriverpeoplescouncil and www.instagram.com/youngriverpeoplescouncil.