“Telling the Stories of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community”

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“Telling the Stories of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community”

VIEWS: 1088

May 20, 2024

Talking Stick Golf Club Reopens with New Facility Expansion


The Talking Stick Golf Club celebrated a brand-new facility expansion with a grand-opening ceremony and open house on April 29. The expansion features the new Talking Stick Golf Club Grill, an upgraded pro shop, new event spaces, a full catering kitchen and the Red Mountain Event Hall, which can accommodate up to 230 guests. The Red Mountain Event Hall and the outside patio combined can easily accommodate 500 people.

The renovation features O’odham and Piipaash symbols on the exterior walls, detailing the rich history of both tribes. The symbols were carved into the building by the late Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community member Royce Manuel (baḍ).

As he welcomed guests to the reopening celebration, Talking Stick Golf Club General Manager Roy Smith detailed how construction for the expansion project lasted 18 months, but the renovation plans began many years ago. “Our original thought [for the renovation] happened six years ago. It’s so nice to see it done,” said Smith.

Throughout its renovation and expansion, the golf club remained opened for business. “We kept this course open and running the entire time. We were open every single day, in different parts of the parking lot. We had bag drops in the parking lot. We were serving food out of a food truck for a little while,” Smith said. He added how pleased he was with the completed renovation.

Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community President Martin Harvier also said a few words before the official cutting of the ribbon. He thanked the Talking Stick Golf Club management and staff for their dedication and hard work.

He also shared the spotlight with the landowners who were in attendance. “I’d like to welcome Mr. Arnold Makil, who is here. He’s one of the landowners,” said President Harvier. He then added, “I hope they’re (the landowners) excited to see what’s been done to their land. I think that’s important, to remember the landowners,” he said.

“There’s weddings that have happened here,” continued President Harvier. “But [prior to the expansion], we didn’t have room for the [wedding] parties to get ready. Inside now, we have those amenities. That’s the exciting part.” The all-new bride and groom suites allow for guests to arrive to the golf course and change into their formal wear so they don’t have to arrive at the course already dressed.

President Harvier expressed his appreciation to SRPMIC Council members Cheryl Doka, Mikah Carlos and David Antone, as well as all the Talking Stick Golf Course Board members in attendance. At the conclusion of his speech, he invited them all to participate in the ribbon-cutting.

Guests then toured the new golf club to a free concert by the Two Rivers Band in the ceremony area located on the outside patio. The all-new ceremony area can accommodate up to 300 people and is suitable for marriage ceremonies. It was mainly used as a dance floor during the reopening.

If you would like to schedule a gathering or book a tee time at the brand-new Talking Stick Golf Club, call (480) 860-2221.